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Edikan's Greatest Hits, Vol. 01

A Visual Gallery
What is it?
This section features some of my favourite work that could not be featured in a dedicated section. It felt only right to create a home for the ones I couldn’t let go of.
What's in it?
The work here ranges from pencil sketches to logo and graphic design. One thing they all have in common is that they are successfully executed expressions of ideas and concepts I had in different stages of my creative journey.

Pencil Drawings
Section 01
Art is a huge part of my identity, and drawing is one of my favourite things to do. Here are a couple of my favourite pencil pieces.
Digital Art
Section 02
I got an iPad so I can do some art on it now hehehehehe.
four rectangles + one circle
Section 03
"four rectangles + one circle" is a journey of self-exploration and creativity I embarked on in 2023. The project quickly spiralled into a body of work that was bigger than I initially imagined.

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Always Fresh Gear Campaign
Section 04
Always Fresh Gear, an urban fashion brand, was launching a new collection called Nsibidi and needed designs for their marketing campaign.

I used images from the campaign shoot to create promotional visuals.
Section 05
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